Call for Speakers 2023

Speaking opportunity

MACC 2023 – the Tenth Annual Midwest Architecture Community Collaboration Conference, held in-person on November 9th, 2023.

September 15, 2023 – deadline for submitting the application.

Are you passionate about the future of AI and architecture? Do you have insights, experiences, or research to share with the architecture community? If so, we invite you to submit your presentation proposal for MACC 2023. 

If interested, fill out the speaker application below and submit it via email to:

MACC-2023-Speaker-Application -FINAL

The conference has four tracks:

  • The Future of AI and Data
  • The Future of AI and Technology
  • The Future of AI and Security
  • The Future of AI and IT Architecture

The track descriptions are below.

The Future of AI and Data

The future of AI and data is expected to bring about significant advancements and transformative changes across various industries and domains. Some of the key aspects that may shape the future of AI and data:

Continued Growth of AI Applications: AI technologies will continue to advance and find applications in diverse areas such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, transportation, and customer service. AI algorithms will become more sophisticated, enabling tasks such as natural language processing, image and video recognition, and complex decision-making. AI-powered systems will increasingly become a part of our daily lives, making processes more efficient and improving the quality of services.

Edge AI and Internet of Things (IoT): With the proliferation of IoT devices, there will be a greater emphasis on edge AI, where AI algorithms are deployed directly on edge devices or on edge computing infrastructure. This approach reduces latency, enhances real-time decision-making, and reduces the need for sending data to centralized systems. Edge AI will play a crucial role in applications like autonomous vehicles, smart cities, and industrial IoT, where low latency and real-time processing are critical.

AI and Data Privacy: The growing concerns around data privacy and protection will shape the future of AI and data. Innovations in privacy-preserving techniques, such as federated learning and differential privacy, will enable the development of AI models while preserving individual privacy. Striking the right balance between utilizing personal data for AI advancements and protecting user privacy will be a key consideration.

AI-Powered Automation and Workforce Transformation: AI will continue to drive automation across various industries, leading to changes in the workforce. Routine and repetitive tasks will be automated, allowing humans to focus on more complex and creative endeavors. There will be a shift in job roles and skill requirements, with a greater demand for skills related to AI, data analysis, and human-AI collaboration. Reskilling and upskilling programs will become essential to adapt to this changing landscape.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration: The future of AI and data will require collaboration between diverse disciplines. Collaboration between data scientists, domain experts, ethicists, policymakers, and other stakeholders will be crucial to develop AI systems that address societal needs and challenges. Interdisciplinary research and partnerships will drive innovation and ensure that AI technologies are developed in a responsible and inclusive manner.

Overall, the future of AI and data holds great potential for positive impact across various sectors. As AI technologies continue to advance, there will be an increased focus on ethical considerations, privacy protection, workforce transformation, and collaboration. The responsible and human-centric development of AI systems will be key to harnessing the full potential of AI and data for the benefit of society.

The Future of AI and Technology

The future of AI and technology holds immense potential for transformative changes.  Some of the key areas where AI and technology are likely to make significant advancements:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Advancements: AI will continue to evolve, becoming more sophisticated and capable of performing complex tasks. Deep learning algorithms, neural networks, and reinforcement learning techniques will further enhance AI capabilities, enabling it to solve increasingly complex problems and make better predictions.

Automation and Robotics: Automation will continue to replace repetitive and mundane tasks across industries, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. Robotics will advance with the development of more agile and intelligent machines capable of performing a wide range of physical tasks, from manufacturing to healthcare.

Internet of Things (IoT): The IoT will expand as more devices become connected and communicate with each other. This interconnected network of devices will enable seamless data exchange, leading to smart homes, cities, and industries. IoT devices will collect vast amounts of data, which AI will analyze to provide valuable insights and improve decision-making.

Healthcare and Medical Advancements: AI will revolutionize healthcare by assisting in diagnostics, personalized medicine, drug discovery, and treatment plans. Machine learning algorithms can analyze patient data, identify patterns, and make accurate predictions for disease prevention and early detection. Robotics will also play a crucial role in surgical procedures, rehabilitation, and caregiving.

The Future of AI and Security

The future of AI and security is a dynamic and evolving landscape. AI will play a vital role in enhancing security measures, but it also poses new challenges and considerations. Some key aspects to consider regarding the future of AI and security:

Threat Detection and Prevention: AI-powered systems can analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns to detect security threats more efficiently. Machine learning algorithms can identify anomalies, detect potential cyberattacks, and mitigate risks in real-time. AI can enhance traditional security measures by continuously monitoring networks, endpoints, and systems for suspicious activities.

Adaptive and Intelligent Defense: AI can help build adaptive defense systems that can learn from evolving threats and adjust security measures accordingly. It can analyze and respond to emerging attack patterns, anticipate future threats, and strengthen defenses proactively. AI-powered cybersecurity solutions can quickly identify and respond to new vulnerabilities, providing a more robust defense against sophisticated attacks.

Automated Incident Response: AI can automate incident response processes, enabling faster and more effective incident handling. It can analyze and prioritize alerts, conduct investigations, and assist in remediation efforts. AI-driven incident response systems can reduce response times, improve accuracy, and alleviate the burden on security teams.

Behavioral Analytics: AI can analyze user behavior, network traffic, and system logs to detect anomalies and potential insider threats. By understanding typical user patterns, AI systems can identify suspicious activities, unusual behaviors, or unauthorized access attempts. Behavioral analytics powered by AI can enhance security measures by detecting threats that may go unnoticed by traditional security approaches.

Privacy and Ethical Considerations: The use of AI in security raises privacy concerns and ethical considerations. Balancing security needs with individual privacy rights is crucial. Organizations must ensure transparency in how AI systems collect, process, and store data. Additionally, ethical considerations such as bias mitigation, accountability, and rationalization needs to be addressed to maintain trust and fairness in AI-powered security solutions.

Collaboration and Threat Intelligence: AI can facilitate collaboration among security professionals and enable the sharing of threat intelligence in real-time. AI systems can aggregate and analyze threat data from various sources, providing actionable insights and helping organizations stay ahead of emerging threats. Collaborative AI platforms can foster a collective defense approach, strengthening the overall security posture.

While AI can greatly enhance security measures, it is not a foolproof solution. Human expertise and oversight remain crucial for effective security management. A balanced approach that combines human intelligence with AI-driven technologies will be essential for the future of AI and security.

The Future of AI and IT Architecture

The future of AI and IT architecture will witness significant advancements, driven by the growing integration of AI technologies into various IT systems. Key aspects to consider:

AI-Driven IT Automation: AI will play a crucial role in automating IT operations and management. AI-powered systems can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make intelligent decisions, leading to more efficient and proactive IT operations. This includes automating routine tasks, optimizing resource allocation, and predicting and preventing system failures.

Intelligent Virtual Assistants: AI-powered virtual assistants will become more intelligent and capable of handling complex IT tasks. These assistants can provide real-time support, answer queries, perform system diagnostics, and execute routine maintenance tasks. They will enhance user experience, streamline IT service delivery, and enable self-service for common IT issues.

Predictive Analytics and Maintenance: AI algorithms can analyze historical data, system logs, and performance metrics to predict IT system failures or degradation. Predictive analytics will enable proactive maintenance and preemptive actions, minimizing downtime, and improving system reliability. AI can also optimize resource allocation based on workload patterns, ensuring efficient utilization of IT infrastructure.

Intelligent Security and Threat Detection: AI will be integral to enhancing IT security measures. AI algorithms can continuously analyze network traffic, user behavior, and system logs to detect anomalies, identify potential threats, and respond in real-time. AI-driven security systems can quickly adapt to new attack vectors and enhance threat detection and response capabilities.

Edge Computing and AI: Edge computing, where data processing and analysis occur closer to the data source, will be combined with AI technologies to enable real-time decision-making and reduce latency. AI algorithms deployed at the edge can process and analyze data locally, minimizing the need for data transmission to central servers. This will be particularly beneficial for applications that require low-latency responses, such as autonomous vehicles, IoT devices, and real-time monitoring systems.

Hybrid Cloud and AI Integration: The integration of AI with hybrid cloud architectures will become more prevalent. AI can optimize workload placement, data storage, and resource allocation across on-premises and cloud environments. AI algorithms can analyze the characteristics of workloads and business requirements to determine the most suitable deployment model, balancing factors like performance, cost, and data privacy.

Explainable and Transparent AI: As AI technologies become more complex and pervasive in IT architectures, the need for rationalization and transparency will grow. Understanding the decision-making process of AI systems will be crucial for IT professionals and stakeholders. Efforts will be made to develop AI models that are explainable, interpretable, and accountable, ensuring trust and facilitating compliance with regulations.

DevOps and AI Integration: AI will be integrated into DevOps practices to enhance software development, deployment, and maintenance. AI algorithms can analyze code repositories, identify potential issues, and provide recommendations for code optimization and bug detection. AI-powered testing and deployment tools can automate tasks, improve software quality, and accelerate the development lifecycle.

The future of AI and IT architecture will be characterized by greater automation, intelligent decision-making, enhanced security measures, and improved efficiency across various IT domains. Successful integration of AI technologies into IT architecture will require a comprehensive understanding of business requirements, continuous learning, and collaboration between IT professionals and AI systems.

If interested, fill out the speaker application below and submit it via email to:

MACC-2023-Speaker-Application -FINAL

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